The most sex-segregated county in America
Northern Illinois? The Chicago Outfit? The Jewish Mafia?

That’s too many Chicago Mafia ladies and Jewish females downtown sharing intimate bathroom space while pretending to debate opposing sides of various political causes.
They sure do make a lot of noise about men in women’s bathrooms, boys playing girls’ sports, etc., etc., and nothing but dead silence about the women themselves entering men’s spaces to offer themselves as prostitutes to the men. And the men who have refused the services of female prostitutes generally don’t want male prostutites either, unless they’re “gay” but that’s just the general nature of all the “services” being provided downtown by a very low-class workforce with plenty of lower lip.
Are men happy about always being viewed as patrons of prostitutes or potential patrons of prostitutes at all local businesses downtown? ♯MeT00 and the continual trope that “all men are rapists” etc., etc. Are these women so special that they need such broad intimate spaces by law where they can shop for groceries, gas and home goods at “safe places” where they can chit-chat and converse with each other or meet and greet without the risk of encountering strange men?
I don’t think it has much if anything to do with bathrooms anymore. People who use the bathroom do their business, flush the toilet, wash their hands, and leave the property without taking compliments or insults. Graffiti and signs on the doors notwithstanding. So if the ladies are always arguing about men who have to use the bathroom, they're actually talking about something else, namely the possibility of offering sexual services to men and actually charging men money commercially for sex subject to local sales tax and with police protection for prostitutes, which is exactly what these particular ♯MeT00 females want.
Regardless of “transgender” people using the restroom, there are disabled people who require the help of opposite sex family members or assistants who can lift and transfer, babies who need diapers changed regardless of the availability of special tables, and people who have emergencies with vomiting and/or diarrhea regardless of gender signs on the door.