Starbucks arrests customers who are Black or “hang out”
Too many cops, donuts and 56" gun belts, and maybe even a few plus-sized lady cops
That’s some really bitter coffee being served by local franchise owners, and very irritating and harsh on the bladder, to boot. When you’ve gotta go, you’ve got to go, and well, well, well, no loitering, no trespassing, and no public restrooms anywhere on the Starbucks block.
And don’t even ask. You’ll be told not only no, but hell no, and they don’t really even want your money for a cup of coffee if you aren’t one of their “friends,” and now that Russian word “друг” comes to mind — we have “friends” who do “drugs” at coffee shops.

“The queers” or “LGBT” people do not exactly look “sexy” with all the hair dyes, tattoos and body piercings. I am going to assume if people are that comfortable with chemicals and needles, that they are probably doing drugs and not sex, especially in the cases of same-sex people hanging out in public restrooms.

And the cops. Local cops are being paid by the hour to hang out and have loud conversations at local coffee shops, and nobody seems to mind, because it’s apparently a permitted vice of sorts for them and not for the rest of us.
People need to wake up. There’s a multinational megacorporation in the business of accumulating urban real estate, selling coffee adulterated with extra bladder irritants and charging for bathroom access.
Back to the Russian друг. The other of two. Full-time employed and married people sit there drinking coffee as friend with friend during work or business hours looking intently into each other’s eyes. The other man. The other woman, подруга. The investors are closing their pocketbooks on the affairs.
And there’s more. There’s always more.
The Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Rehabilitation Services, Business Enterprise Program for the Blind (BEPB) intends to enter into agreements with Starbucks Corporation and Gallery Carts Inc. In accordance with 20 ILCS 2421 and in cooperation with the Randolph-Sheppard Act, BEPB is the State Licensing Agency charged with fostering the development of income generating opportunities for individuals who are blind or who have visual impairments. Through the agreements with Starbucks and Gallery Carts, BEPB will purchase a portable cart (kiosk) and coffee making equipment to serve Starbucks brand coffee. ¶ The kiosk will be used by a blind vendor in Cook County in the operation of a concessions business, providing him with an income generating opportunity, as directed under the Randolph Sheppard Act.
The most recent Starbucks offering, coincidentally with the new bathroom policies, is called a Cortado. Spanish for “cut.” Bankers and investors don’t like haircuts on bonds, and coffee connoisseurs, whatever cream or sugar or milk or flavoring they prefer in their coffee, do not generally want it “cut” or, that is to say, “adulterated” with any harmful or deleterious substances, especially in view of the ongoing fentanyl crisis throughout the United States.
The use of “blonde” or incompletely roasted or partially raw coffee beans in beverages definitely qualifies as an adulterant, since raw coffee beans do contain extreme bladder irritants in addition to the usual caffeine. The businessmen who patronize Starbucks must be adjusting their neckties uncomfortably with that term ristretto on the menu as well: it is possibly indicative of the extremely “restrictive” bathroom policies which were introduced simultaneously with the extreme bladder irritants from the raw coffee beans used in the most recent menu offering, but in the Italian district, it also makes one think of the possibility of being jumped by a guy in a back alley and strangled with a garrote, unable to breathe.