Peaceniks and commies don’t get love
There’s no Cupid without the bows and arrows, and no love without the guns and ammunition!
If the marriage bed is undefiled, and if God judges whoremongers and adulterers, how much more will He judge and punish the wicked ones, cowards and traitors who have gone to court to deprive the righteous of their firearms! And all dirty gun-grabbing cops who so thoroughly despise the Constitution they were sworn to uphold as the supreme law of the land.
Gun control is the politics of hate and everlasting contempt.
We will never forget the hundreds of enemy psychiatrists who signed letters and petititons urging amoral federal cops to put Donald Trump away for alleged “mental illness.” There’s old news, and it’s over ten years old, but rest assured we are coming to punish those cowards, traitors and shrinks.

They sold us a bill of goods when they said they supported the Second Amendment and then weaseled out of it case by case for law-abiding gun owners.

The NRA has never quite come to the realization of gun ownership as a right, rather than merely a privilege to be revoked at will on opinions or hearsay of a person’s mental or social status. And the judges have noted that even if possessing and carrying firearms and other weapons were merely a privilege, and not a right, even at that, the Constitution guarantees and protects our privileges and immunities as strongly as it does some of our rights as such which have been enumerated.