Martial law declared in Los Angeles
Inner-city beat cops impose a curfew
The city is on fire, with half a dozen reporters on the scene from LA Times + Yahoo.
So is it just city cops, or are these actually military police officers showing up to enforce the curfew and arrest anyone caught outside after hours or otherwise in violation of house arrest? Guns are banned and with all the rough drug dealers and refined dope peddlers and nice polite professional pill pushers in town you can’t exactly attend church or “hang out” at the gas station or grocery store or have a decent cup of coffee anywhere or stay clean and sober anywhere anyways.
Coffee spiked, food doped? Date rape drugs in everything.

You bet it’s the military police. The National Guard is coming in.

So it is a riot with the whole city burning down, countless acts of arson with Molotov cocktails everywhere. Or what? Anything left of California more than Ukraine?