Lead poisoning?
What is a bullet? And why are Democrat cops and doctors so stupid?
Water in leaden pipes, available for halfway decent sanitation, bathing, clothes-washing and dishwashing, even if it wasn’t very potable, would have offered a vast improvement in public health, education, intelligence as well as peace.

Today’s mainstream “scientists” are all Democrat, if not more extreme liberal fringe parties. If you’re a Republican, you can’t even set foot on the property of a Democrat public university campus anywhere without being arrested for criminal trespassing.
Articles on lead or lead poisoning are mostly an overeducated shrink way of saying, “Guns are stupid!” as a covert reference to lead bullets or projectiles with the usual law enforcement and mental health establishment motives and calling the law with a hired shrink on the subjects of their involuntary human experimentation.

The term “intelligence” of course has a completely different meaning in law enforcement and military contexts than it does as psychologists usually explain it.
“Warrantless surveillance” comes to mind, not just “unwarranted” or unreasonable, but completely senseless over-the-top levels of official eavesdropping, government surveillance, wiretapping, secret FISA courts, nation-state sponsored computer spyware, national security-oriented fusion centers, the NSA with the “Five Eyes” or FVEY foreign intelligence surveillance treaties, and so on and so forth, so we can say cops are plenty “intelligent” but not the sort of intelligence usually associated with the Jewish and Italian Mafia, idiot savants, midget craftsmen, stupid whores, and many other pejoratives commonly applied for crowd appeasement and patronage.
It’s time to dump the crowds and get back to our guns.