Don’t poison my coffee!
Very interesting item
This doesn’t look like a joke. I like to browse, I see certain items for sale. What is this? We need a bigger picture of what’s going on.

It’s a coffee cup for sale. Whimsical slogan or motto, “Pastor warning: anything you say or do could be used in a sermon!”
So there’s a nip of something to drink, “coffee” or otherwise, with all those heavy law sermons delivered in a small-town Protestant red-light district or highway speed trap with a liquor store open late 7 days a week and a grocery store that closes early or on Sunday. Local sheriff, best of buddies with the local pastor, Miranda rights card tucked behind his badge in his shirt pocket.
The Mormons especially have obviously been around the block a time or two to be so distrustful of “hot beverages” or coffee which tends to served a little bit too professionally by bartenders or baristas. Joseph Smith and his Holy Plat of Zion in the plains of Utah are a bit much, and referring to women as “wives” in a general sense without respect of particular marriages is a little bit over the board, too.
Because male passersby are generally the target. Say, men from out of town have to interact with the local girls behind the counter at any of the local businesses. Try to be polite and respectful, honorable. Local bosses and local business owners all know each other, best of buddies with the local sheriff and the local pastor.
To put it mildly, this ain’t no parson’s mousetrap. It’s a local jail for innocent men in a heavy-drinking heavy-drugging small-town district of prostitution, gambling and general unmitigated vice. Nobody’s stupid enough to believe girls aren’t being drugged and date-raped brutally in such a district. It’s just not quite the crowd-pleaser to bring a falsely accused female defendant into court and hire a shrink to play up her violent tendencies, as it usually is for an out-of-town male defendant.