Being a “nice person” vs. being the “bigger person”
Various online woke “communities” etc.: Who’s the bully and who’s being beat up? And enough gun-grabbing pill-pushing shrinks on call all over the board, to boot.
Many people go to college after high school in America. Some of them major in psychology or sociology or similar “soft sciences.” Many of these majors become courthouse pill-pushers and shrinks, where they’re expert manipulators who bring subjective interpretations into court where objective evidence is required. They deal drugs illegally, they go at law to deal drugs, and they artfully substitute their professional opinions and feelings in court for the impartial testimony of witnesses to facts on oath or affirmation, meanwhile excusing themselves from due process, subpœna, cross-examination, and all other impeachment of their soft subjective testimonies against wrongfully targeted individuals who are not to be found guilty of any actual wrongdoing on their own part in court.

Others become bosses or business managers, where they specialize in people-bossing, manipulating and bullying subordinates, but they’re too soft with the numbers on the bottom line of business to be really successful, which would actually also require being people-friendly and welcoming to stay in business, or at least not shutting people out or shutting people up online. Still others of the same college majors go into sales and marketing, where we get disastrous woke sales literature or joe jobs from them, again, soft touchy-feely mixed marketing messages, and again, no attention to the bottom line or hard data of what actually drives sales or what the customers actually want, what they pay for, what makes them satisfied, as the case may be.
I’d want to be polite online too, but shadowy networks of technical mob bosses are emerging, taking over all available forums of online discussion, and censoring all dissent from the woke community consensus of whatever they are discussing, exactly how they want to present their feelings without allowing any difficult questions to be asked or different opinions to be expressed on subjects of rather dry technical interest that by all rights ought to have little or nothing to do with electoral politics as such.