What the law could not do
And to think of all those miracles of Jesus, that the blind could see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, and the mute speak, and how the lepers were cleansed, and the gospel was preached to the poor.
The ancient Babylonians punished medical malpractice both eyes for an eye and five teeth for a tooth, where Moses only punished one eye for an eye and one tooth for a tooth. The old Mosaic law, or how it was interpreted and enforced, or not enforced as the case may be, allowed much medical malpractice of all sorts to flourish.
Babylonian jurists reasoned that a medical doctor who destroyed a patient’s eye unnecessarily should not be left with the eyesight to harm another patient, and that a dentist who destroyed a tooth unnecessarily had to be punished and forced to make restitution not only for that tooth, but for the four wisdom teeth that he would have previously pulled unnecessarily, by the time a dentist could be brought into court and the courthouse ransacked for laughing gas, ether and bongs of marijuana, in order that the due process of law might be conducted without frivolity.
And just as the magicians of Pharaoh appeared in court in ancient times with a wicked clubhouse mockery of righteous defendants, courts to this day employ psychiatrists and psychologists to mock the defendants with mental charges on top of criminal, alleging incompetence to stand trial and refusing to permit any defense at all in many cases.

These psychologists protest too much, and they fall altogether in the same category. The wise men from the east who came to worship Jesus came because they saw His star. If the sun, moon, stars and planets are in alignment at a certain time and place, then that is what it is, but if not, then that is not the time and place. We have latitude and longitude, time of day, seasons, tides at the seashore and phases of the moon, sun up and sun down and professionals who charge money for positive affirmations while systematically closing off all positive outlooks in this life. Mafia car-trashers, home-wreckers and life-ruiners have been hard at work for many years by the time their partners in crime at the psych shop appear in court. I can’t look at the night sky and claim in good faith that the stars have been “debunked.” Read a few astronomy articles online if you can’t stand the astrology.
And at any time and place, wherever I find myself, at whatever sort of business I am at, when I behave or do as the Romans do in Rome, I’d better jolly well be treated as the Romans treat their best customers of sound mind and body, or there’s going to be hell to pay at that place.
Is there a Holy Bible online anywhere? Or hadn’t you better have a physical copy of it with real ink on real paper with a binding to hold the pages together? Is there a couple of concerned preachers or a few deacons from any one of various denominations of churches making a scene on an online forum off where the outside readers are not permitted?