What is health care?
And why do we want it?
The natural capacity of the human body to heal itself without intervention is in nearly all cases what we as a society would most want to cultivate, by regular exercise with a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet including vitamins and minerals from their natural sources in their natural form.
Physical labor is generally healthy and profitable, while computer desk work and paper-pushing rarely are.
Too many doctors in general want to be in the business of “family medicine” treating minor ailments with prescribed quack remedies only, available at your local pharmacy, while too many of the ones who specialize in addressing more serious life-threatening concerns are motivated only by their greed, by their lust for the carnage of human flesh, and by their inordinate desire to control and manipulate others, even to the point of going to court to force or compel their treatments against their patients’ will.
The entire burgeoning field of “behavioral health” is based on the false premise of imprisoning, drugging and torturing humans, ostensibly to control their behavior, or perhaps to punish them for some behavior deemed “sick” yet not as such a crime that could be prosecuted in court. And yet these quack doctors and shrinks are extremely solicitous and do not hesitate to go to court with every imaginable cause to imprison, drug and torture their patients, without convicting them of crimes; and somehow in America’s indifferent lackadaisical small-town court system these same doctors who shirk their responsiblities not to do their patients harm or injustice always seem to evade the severe and righteous punishments that would be inflicted on them, were we able to bring them to justice and hold them accountable for their vices and bad habits, repeated acts of malpractice, and progressive violations of our rights.
And a book on the subject? From one of their own? Imagine that!

Shrinks who are in the business of going to court to coerce and force their unhealthful drug regimens on unwilling human subjects are concerned about getting sued. And all the other doctors of other specialties who render them such and such aid and comfort.
It’s not about civil liability, unfortunately. It’s costly to inflict the sorts of punishments that we need to inflict so justly to punish those horrible doctors out of their vices and bad habits of torturing their patients. It will cost money to keep those crooked courthouse shrinks and medical quacks in prison, and it will cost even more money to cease and desist their jaws from flapping and restrain them from socializing and fraternizing with “the pillars of the community” and “the powers that be” in every small town of America that they control.