There’s a black box in the tail section of the airplane you’re flying, Sir
It’s all psychological, there are whirlybird doctors, and the sole intention is to psych pilots out.
A “black box” can recover technical data, precise GPS coördinates, bearings, etc. but ultimately that is all irrelevant in this case. The data should match what was already observed by outsiders in the general area, and reveal nothing more or less. It was not a technical failure that led to the crash. All of the issues are more basic and obvious than that. It is the human issues that really need investigating. The location of the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport is too sensitive and not suited for general commercial air traffic. The legalities of it have to do with longstanding stateside Democratic Party interests dating back to the Civil War retrocession of the land on which the airport and the Pentagon are situated to the Commonwealth of Virginia.
“DEI” is the modern equivalent of slavery, where bosses “own” the employees, and cater obsequiously to their proclivities, pronoun preferences, cultural sensitivities. drug addictions etc. as a method of gaining and consolidating a “dictatorship of the proletariat” or representational “labor boss” type of control over them.

That particular airport really needs to be restricted to military and Secret Service flights, and general commercial air traffic to and from D.C. routed to Baltimore, Maryland, and Richmond, Virginia where plenty of ground transportation options exist including charter buses and commuter rails.