Labor union serving itself coffee
Who spiked the coffee pot at work?

Many people are used to brewed coffee, cream and sugar if you please, and nothing else in it. With so many pretty bottles of syrup lined up on the shelf behind the counter, I feel like I’m at a liquor store rather than a coffee shop. They do call themselves “baristas,” and they do not deny it’s a “bar” where they serve liquid beverages.
At a certain hour, mid-evening or so at most Starbucks shops, there’s a large under-21 college-age crowd ordering various evening-type “drinks” — iced herbal or fruit teas if you ask — and becoming very talkative, relaxed, easygoing and engaged in group conversations.
It was 100 years ago, the Roaring Twenties — the 1920s, that is — and that was Prohibition, but history repeats itself, so here we are again in the 2020s, and it’s a speakeasy with all the flavor bottles and preservatives. If it’s not real liquor, what are they distilling into all those syrup bottles and how do they come by all that essence of flavor in them?
Those people always want you to be “friends” with them, but you’re too sober and uncommunicative with a cup of coffee on your way to work to be “friends” with them, and you haven’t given up your driver’s license yet or gotten fully on board with public transportation. Or else they call cops and they don’t really want you on the property for some reason, some sort of service of process, but nobody shows up in court with the papers, and if they do they’re in trouble with the legal bar.