Churches as havens for medical malpractice?
Mass murder, mayhem, mutilation and malicious disfigurement: everything from Old-Testament quackery to old-fashioned patent medicines, abortions, modern plastic surgery and professional tooth-pulling
Man cannot be saved by works of the law, and when the flashing lights of the police cars appear with those of the ambulance, it seems that all hope of salvation is lost. It is not the place of our hired punishers and sworn enforcers to dictate the operations of the knife or the administration of the right medicines that should save our bodies or souls, any more than it is of the wicked doctors themselves who cater to loose females seeking their services for abortions or artificial beautification.
It is namely when our naked, sick and helpless bodies are placed under their care, that those overeducated monsters cannot contain themselves from their own lust for the carnage of human flesh.

The lawyers can’t help us. Those obstetricians and medical and dental and orthodontial quacks are already groveling in poverty and filth and they need to be punished and made to pay, where the law is too weak and impotent to punish them or exact retribution. Make no mistake. This is a place where the law itself, which was weak through the flesh, needs to be held in check and set aside, in order that those wrongdoers may be disciplined and punished for their wrongdoing, much more severely than the law is capable of judging or punishing.

What do the Italians do? When in Rome, do as the Romans do? That doesn’t help us either. And in fact our local Protestant authorities in America have precisely the same coroners’ verdicts and rubber stamps with official causes of death to shut out federal investigations as the modern Romans do. “Closure” for the “family.”
Jesus Christ who performed so many medical miracles, and died on the cross under that Roman justice system speaks of those who should offend the little ones who believe in Him.
The Native Americans speak of “bad medicine” and the people of India lament the corruption and bad faith of medical institutions in their own country. European toothpullers as well got in the habit of putting a bit and bridle on a human mouth and neck in their own poor judgment of the fitness or comeliness of human proportions at war with God who created the human and all human beauty in the first place.
And many other medical abominations to boot, peanut allergies, asthma puffers, attention deficit, benzodiazepines, hyperactivity, amphetamines, extreme locker room medicine and kiddo gender clinics.